Hien Nguyen

A normal but cool guru who always wants to treat his normal but complicated life by the normal but simple think.

I started my career from 2006 as a software developer in several small to big companies. I had a time work at FPT university as a lecturer to 2013.

Then Planday, from 2013 to 2019, I was one of the first engineers at Planday and engineering manager of engineering team in Hanoi. It was such amazing journey with a startup that came from zero to 400M USD and got exited on 2020.

Now new chapter started, as co-founder and CTO of Zen8Labs and BetterMetrics.

But I’m still a normal developer who loves daily coding.

As a normal guru, I love 24-coding-hours and see it as a developer’s must-have skill.

As a cool guru, I love the simple think and see it as a developer’s must-have mindset.

GURUnH = GURU & Hien – this blog is where I connect to you, the GURU. I hope that you could find some useful information here, don’t hesitate to reach me by the contact form or on Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Github.

Keep it simple. Be a guru.